Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Assessing Regulatory Changes in the Transport Sector Roundtable

The Possible Role of RIA in Swedish Transport PlanningPresented by Lena Nerhagen (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI) and Sara Forsstedt (Swedish Transport Agency), 26 September 2016
Assessing Consumer Welfare Impacts of Aviation Policy MeasuresPresented by Guillaume Burghouwt (SEO Amsterdam Economics), 26 September 2016
Introducing Competition in the European Rail SectorPresented by Yves Crozet (University of Lyon), 26 September 2016
Assessing the Impacts of the Road Safety Remuneration System in AustraliaPresented by Rex Deighton-Smith (Jaguar Consulting Pty Ltd), 26 September 2016
Focus on Costs and Ethical Considerations: Assessing the Impacts of Regulating Vehicle Emissions and SafetyPresented by Bert van Wee (Delft University of Technology), 26 September 2016
Impact Assessments in EU Policy MakingPresented by Vesna Valant, 26 September 2016