Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Abolish fossil fuel tax exemptions for maritime transport

    Overview:  The maritime sector enjoys waivers from fuel taxation in the vast majority of ... do not pay fuel excise duties (ITF, 2020). For the maritime sector, exemptions from taxation generally apply to international ... from fuel taxes (OECD, 2019). ITF (2019) takes stock of maritime subsidies, which many governments offer to the maritime sector due to ...

    Maritime logistics performance

    Overview:  Improving the logistics performance of maritime transport hinges mainly on ensuring smoother ship-port interfaces. By ... be reduced through advance transmission and verification of documents. Further, digital queuing systems for trucks can decrease ...

    Regulate short-lived pollutants in maritime transport

    ... with negative health effects. The latest International Maritime Organisation (IMO) greenhouse gas emissions study estimated that CH4 ... Arctic region by 60% would be estimated to cost between USD 8 and 50 million and save 9 to 70 million tonnes CO2e per year (equating to a ...