Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    ITF Gender Analysis Toolkit: Indicators

    Loading… Definitions “Sex” and “Gender” data: Transport data are often collected using the category “sex” (i.e. male and female), which refers to the biological aspects of an individual. The category “gender”, which is a social...


    ... in the Czech Republic.   Note: Rail freight transport includes transport carried out on the Czech territory ... in the Czech Republic.   Note: Rail freight transport includes transport carried out on the Czech territory ...


    ... transport by car and bus. Note: Rail passenger transport does not include international transport. ... transport by car and bus. Note: Rail passenger transport does not include international transport. ...

    Transport Policy Responses to the Coronavirus Crisis

    Which transport-related policies and measures help to maintain essential mobility for people and the transport of critical goods during Covid-19 pandemic while avoiding to further spread the Coronavirus? We provide a first non-exhaustive...


    Good transport infrastructure and efficient mobility services bring people together and goods to their markets. The connectivity that transport provides widens horizons and opens up opportunities. It builds stronger communities and expands their...

    Reciprocal Recognition of Parking Badges

    In 1978, the ECMT Council of Ministers agreed that all Member Countries of the ECMT would grant the same parking concessions to people with disabilities as they offered their own nationals. These concessions usually allowed special parking in...