Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

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    Smooth driving: from eco-driving to automated vehicles

    Overview:  Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) technologies can provide drivers with real-time ... Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) that fully automate all of the above approaches. The private sector is driving vehicle ... a truck platooning at 5m distance behind another truck (or 8% at 15m distance) (Jootel, 2012) Simulation Up to 19% on a ... Tientrakool P., Ho ...

    Rural Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

    ... (MaaS) is a model for supplying a wide range of passenger transport services through a single, digital customer interface. In its most ... statutory (school, social and health service) transport to all. Inadequate public transport services also mean that other solutions, such ... Netherlands Institute for Transport ...

    Carbon pricing for international shipping

    ... form of a carbon levy is the “feebate” system, in which all ships emitting greenhouse gas emissions pay a levy that is used to ... Various effects may be distinguished. First, higher maritime transport costs (due to carbon pricing) might reduce demand for maritime ...

    ITF work on Shared Mobility

    ... in 2015 examined a “what if” scenario: What if all private cars in a city were replaced by shared vehicles? Using real ... computer model of mobility in that city. They then removed all private car trips and replaced them with trips in shared vehicles, testing ... vehicles, electric vehicles, 6-seater Shared Taxis and 8- and 16-seater “Taxi-Buses”. The results were stunning: In the shared ...

    ITF at COP27

    Project blurb:  Transport emits around one-quarter of the energy-related CO2 that feeds global ... goods, transport emissions are set to keep rising even if all currently planned decarbonisation measures are fully implemented. ...  Date Time (CET)  Venue  Event  8 Nov 7:30 IETA BusinessHub, Area C, Zone 5, Pavilion P123, Blue Zone ...

    How to end congestion without giving up the car

    ... Link to article: Media Outlet ... day in the city of Lisbon in Portugal. They then replaced all private cars with a fleet of shared vehicles. The result stunned even the ...

    Fuel quality/Low-carbon fuel standard

    ... different sources – for example, the grid standard versus all renewable energy sources. Thanks to the progressively tightened limit ... (ICAO), ...

    NDC Transport Initiative for Asia

    Project blurb:  The NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA) aims to promote a coherent strategy of ... period 2020-24. Rapid economic growth and urbanisation in all three target countries have been going hand-in-hand with increased ... on fossil fuels. It contributes approximately one-quarter of all energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere, projected to ...