Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Container Transport Security Across Modes

28 August 2020

This study highlights vulnerabilities in both inland and maritime container transport....

Concurrence entre les ports et les liaisons terrestres avec l'arrière-pays

28 August 2020

Cette publication de la série Tables Rondes examine les défis stratégiques et réglementaires...

Strengthening Inland Waterway Transport

28 August 2020

This publication is a complete collection of the papers presented at the workshop on Pan-European...

Short Sea Shipping in Europe

28 August 2020

The following two reports were presented to the national delegates of the ECMT CombinedTransport...

Integration and Competition between Transport and Logistics Businesses

28 August 2020

Some very large multinational transport and logistics firms have emerged to provide integrated...

La sûreté du transport intermodal de conteneurs

28 August 2020

Cette étude met en exergue les vulnérabilités de la chaîne du transport terrestre et maritime...

Trends in the Transport Sector 1970-2007

28 August 2020

How have the passenger and freight transport sectors evolved in recent years? And what about road...