Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources


Road Safety Annual Report 2016

1 September 2022

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Air Freight Volumes Indicate Slowing Growth in the Second Quarter 2015

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...

Road Safety Annual Report 2015

1 September 2022

The IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2015 provides an overview for road safety performance for 2013...

Moving Freight with Better Trucks

28 August 2020

The purpose of this report is to identify potential improvements in terms of more effective safety...

Global Freight Data Show Trade Slowing Down

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...

Recovery Continues in Global Freight Transport - Uncertainties Remain

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...

Global Freight Data Show Diverging Trends for Developed and Developing Economies

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...

OECD Countries Spend 1% of GDP on Road and Rail Infrastructure on Average

28 August 2020

The latest update of annual transport infrastructure investment and maintenance data collected by...

Global Freight: Slow Change in 2012

28 August 2020

The latest update of global freight data collected by the International Transport Forum at the OECD...