Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources

Transport Policy

L'acquis CEMT/Principal Acts of the ECMT 1953-2003

28 August 2020

 This publication describes the main Acts of the Council of Ministers since the creation of...

Le transport maritime à courte distance en europe

28 August 2020

Les deux rapports suivants ont été présentés aux délégués nationaux du groupe des...

La mise en oeuvre des politiques de transports urbains durables: Aller de l'avant. Politiques nationales en faveur du vélo

28 August 2020

Ce rapport constitue l’une des suites aux travaux de la CEMT sur « Lamise en oeuvre des politiques...

Cognitive Impairment, Mental Health and Transport

28 August 2020

This is one of the first publications to deal with international transport policy issues related to...

Managing the Fundamental Drivers of Transport Demand

28 August 2020

The Seminar Managing the Fundamental Drivers of Transport Demand was organised by theBelgian...

2013 Summit Highlights: Session Summaries

28 August 2020

Demand for mobility around the globe is growing rapidly. Motorisation in emerging economies...