Making Reliability Part of Transport Policy
Most of us face unreliable travel services in our daily lives. Unexpected delays make us miss a train or arrive late for work. Whether for business meetings, social events or deliveries of goods, reliability is a key quality of seamless transport. A review of policies in OECD countries shows, however, that only few countries explicitly incorporate reliability into transport policy making. Research at the International Transport Forum at the OECD shows that:
- A wide range of instruments is available to manage reliability and the policy framework proposed distils these into four principal options (Provision, Information, Management, Pricing);
- In order to deliver the most cost-effective reliability option, reliability should be incorporated into cost-benefit assessments;
- Reliability targets need to be applied with caution;
- Unreliability of transport constitutes a significant cost;
- Reliability is highly case-specific but improving reliability adds anything between 10% to doubling the project benefits.