Transport and Covid-19: responses and resources



Foreign and national vehicles

Time-based charge for use of the roads/motorways

Annual rate

    - Euro IV: 9156 SEK / 821.9 €

    - Euro V: 8655 SEK / 776.93 €

    - Euro VI: 8155 SEK / 732.05 €

Monthly rate: 774-1446 SEK / 69.48-129.8 €

Weekly rate: 206-382 SEK / 18.49-34.39 €

Daily rate: 123 SEK / 11.04 €

Additional information

Electronic Eurovignette

Urban access charge

45 SEK / 4.04 €

Note: it depends on the time of the day.

Tunnel and bridge tolls

11-20 SEK / 0.99-1.8 €

National vehicles

Annual tax on possession of vehicle

7814 SEK / 701.44 €

Additional information

Swedish Transport Agency

Road tolls