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L'acquis CEMT/Principal Acts of the ECMT 1953-2003


This publication describes the main Acts of the Council of Ministers since the creation of the Conference in 1953 up until 1st January 2003. It pares down the Acts of the Council of Ministers to the essential and defines what constitutes the ECMT Acquis fifty years after the Conference's inception. One hundred and twenty documents (Resolutions, Declarations, Recommendations, Conclusions, etc.) have been reviewed by the Working Groups to select the key texts to be included in this document, an exercise which is the prerequisite to any review of the actual implementation of the main decisions of the Council of Ministers.

An introductory text is published as a booklet. 


The texts below are those which are included on the CD-ROM which accompanies the publication.



1.   Founding Text
2.   International Agreements
  • CONSTITUENT ACTS of EUROFIMA  --   European Company for the Financing of Railway Rolling Stock - signed in Berne on 20th October 1955
    Paris, ECMT Publication, 1955
    Actes constitutifs de la société EUROFIMA    Abkommen über die Gründung der EUROFIMA. Zusatz-Protokoll
3.   General Transport Policy
4.   Market Integration
  • Other documents:
5.   Trade Facilitation
  • Other documents:
6.   Road Freight Transport
  • Other documents:
7.   Multilateral Quota
8.   Road Passenger Transport
9.   Rail Transport
  • Other documents:
10.  Inland Waterways
11.  Intermodal Transport and Logistics
12.  Urban Transport
  • Other documents:
13.  Infrastructure
14.  Payment for the Use of Infrastructure
15.  Transport and the Environment
  • Other documents:
16.  Access and Inclusion
17.  Road Safety
  • Other documents:
18.  Crime in Transport, Terrorism and Security in Transport
  • Other documents:
19.  New Technologies
  • Other documents:

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